HAPPY NATIONAL PARENT INVOLVEMENT DAY! Polk School District would like to thank all of our parents and families, for all you do to support your child's learning at home and at school. Your role is more important than it has ever been, and nothing we do as educators could be accomplished without you. We appreciate your continued support and partnership in serving the students of Polk County! #PSDProud #psdtheplacetobe❤️🖤💛
over 1 year ago, Polk School District
Parent Involvement Day Thank you post
MARK YOUR CALENDARS and join us at Van Wert Elementary School on September 20th for FOOD and FUN! See the flyer below for details! This is a FREE event!
over 1 year ago, Polk School District
Flyer for date and time for food distribution event
🔔🔔HOW CAN YOU HELP?🔔🔔 Did you know? Polk School District provides food, clothing, and mental health services as part of our Graduate Polk program which was created to remove any barrier that stands in the way of getting a student to graduation day. It has been a huge success, but only because of the continued support of our partners. We have partnered with Purposity in these efforts. Would you help if a student needed shoes, or a family lost their home in a fire? We think so. By signing up with Purposity, you will get one weekly text, read a student’s story and decide if you’ll help right from your phone. Purposity allows you to quickly and easily lend a hand to a student/family in need. Sign up at the link below to join us in our efforts! https://www.purposity.com/organization/PolkCoSchools TOGETHER. we are making a difference in the lives of our students and Polk School District families! Thank you for partnering with us to make it happen. ❤️🖤💛
over 1 year ago, Polk School District
Purposity link image
JOIN OUR TEAM TODAY!❤️🖤💛 No CDL License? We can help you with that! Our phenomenal Transportation team will guide you through the training and CDL licensing process! DID WE MENTION PAID TRAINING?! Call us today for more information at (770)-684-8308. #psdtheplacetobe
over 1 year ago, Polk School District
Sign advertising for bus drivers to apply with pay details and incentives.
There have been many questions/comments related to changes in the rivalry game that is now scheduled for Thursday, August 17 at 7 p.m. In response, please note the following: 1. Why did PSD change the game? Polk School District did not make the decision to change the game. The Officials Association that is experiencing a major employee shortage, like many, informed us of the new date. 2. Why can we not play on Saturday? We asked if it was possible to play on Saturday. Unfortunately, that was not an option. 3. Can the game not start earlier? We asked to have the game begin earlier than 7:30. Officials that are available are traveling from all over the state which takes time; however, we were able to back it up 30 minutes to 7:00 p.m. 4. Do we know if any more games will be changed in the future? No, we were notified Sunday afternoon regarding this week’s change. As of now, they review games and personnel on a weekly basis. 5. We are aware that other teams have conflicting events already scheduled? Yes, we realize fall is a busy time. Again, we were not given any options related to other available dates. We realize there are many emotions and expectations that come with this annual event. We, like so many in the community, share in the disappointment that the game has been moved to Thursday. It is an inconvenience related to all that has been planned in anticipation of the big game and regularly scheduled events (spirit days, pep rallies, school picture days, etc.) However, at the end of the day, we have many hard-working players, cheerleaders, and band members that deserve the opportunity to enjoy this game despite all the factors that we cannot control. We appreciate our dedicated fans and stakeholders that empathize, understand, and continue to support our efforts. We look forward to a great game! ❤️🖤💛 Go Dawgs! ❤️🖤🐾 Go Jackets 💛🖤🐝
over 1 year ago, Polk School District
📣📣ATTENTION POLK COUNTY COMMUNITY!🏈🏈 We have an important update regarding the highly anticipated rivalry game between Cedartown and Rockmart this week! The game has been rescheduled to take place on Thursday, August 17th, instead of the initially planned date of Friday, August 18th. We appreciate your patience and understanding as this change was unavoidable due to the availability of game officials. We hope to see our community show up to support our Cedartown Bulldogs and Rockmart Yellow Jackets as they battle it out on the field! Let's pack the stands and cheer on our teams! Game information: Thursday, August 17, 2023 7:00 p.m. Doc Ayers Field Cedartown High School GO DAWGS ❤️🖤❤️🐾 GO JACKETS 💛🖤💛🐝 #PSDProud #psdtheplacetobe
over 1 year ago, Polk School District
Reschedules Rivalry Game
We had a FABULOUS night welcoming our Polk School District families back to kick-off the 2023-2024 school year! We appreciate your continued patience with our new ONLINE enrollment process. If you are experiencing delays with email verification and/or receiving password reset emails, please continue to check your inbox. Response times may be delayed due to the high volume of users during Open House. It is our goal to provide the best user experience for our students and families as we transition to paperless enrollment. We CANNOT wait to see all of our students on TUESDAY! #psdtheplacetobe #PSDProud!
over 1 year ago, Polk School District
over 1 year ago, Polk School District
Online ENrollment Flyer
✏️✂️2023-2024 Elementary Supply List📓🖍 Middle School and High School supply lists will be provided by individual teachers. #psdtheplacetobe❤️🖤💛
over 1 year ago, Polk School District
✏️✂️2023-2024 Elementary Supply List📓🖍 Middle School and High School supply lists will be provided by individual teachers. #psdtheplacetobe❤️🖤💛
✏️✂️2023-2024 Elementary Supply List📓🖍 Middle School and High School supply lists will be provided by individual teachers. #psdtheplacetobe❤️🖤💛
Please note the following schedule changes for the 2023-2024 school year. In an effort to best serve our students and families, Polk School District has modified school schedules for the 2023-2024 school year.
over 1 year ago, Polk School District
Schedule of school arrival and dismissal times for the 23-24 school year
Join our team TODAY! Apply online or call 770-684-8308!
over 1 year ago, Polk School District
Bus driver needed sign with details about compensation and benefits
over 1 year ago, Polk School District
Save the date post for open house 23-24