Please, click below for The Weekly Buzz:
Reminder: Please return library books.
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Please return all library books by May 9th. Notices will be coming home with students soon.
PSD Special Olympics will be selling Gourmet Lollipops for $1 each.
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
PSD Special Olympics will be selling Gourmet Lollipops $1 until sold out.
Students will be taking the second section of the mathematics test tomorrow. Get plenty of rest tonight! Today's milkshake drawing winners are Parker G, Jakhari W, and Addie N. Thank you for giving it your best, and congratulations! @will_zwingmann
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Today's milkshake winners are Parker, Jakhari, and Addie N.
Today's milkshake winners are Parker, Jakhari, and Addie N.
Ms. Emily and Ms. Paige from Dallas Dental visited our 2nd-grade students yesterday to talk about good dental hygiene practices. Thank you so much!
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Ms. Emily and Ms. Paige from Dallas Dental visited our 2nd grade students yesterday to talk about good dental health.
Ms. Emily and Ms. Paige from Dallas Dental visited our 2nd grade students yesterday to talk about good dental health.
Ms. Emily and Ms. Paige from Dallas Dental visited our 2nd grade students yesterday to talk about good dental health.
Students will be taking the first section of the mathematics test tomorrow. Get plenty of rest tonight! Today's milkshake drawing winners are Andrew, Zoey, and Maisie. Thank you for giving it your best and congratulations! @will_zwingmann
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Our milkshake winners today are Maisie, Zoey, and Andrew
Our milkshake winners today are Maisie, Zoey, and Andrew
Happy National School Principals Appreciation Day, Mr. Zwingmann! You make Van Wert a better place! @will_zwingmann
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Today is National School Principals Appreciation Day! Congratulations Mr. Zwingmann!
Thank you to all the students who arrived on time and ready for testing today! Each student who showed up, worked diligently, and tried their best was entered into a drawing. These are our three winners, Levi, Ethan, and Kiley. A special thank you to Chick-fil-A in Rockmart!
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Our winner from the Chic-fil-a drawing for Milestones testing.
Our winner from the Chic-fil-a drawing for Milestones testing.
Our winner from the Chic-fil-a drawing for Milestones testing.
Congratulations to our Students of the Month for April! Great Job!
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Our Students of the Month for April! Way to Go!
Our Students of the Month for April! Way to Go!
Our Students of the Month for April! Way to Go!
Congratulations to our Faculty and Staff of the Month for April, Mrs. Christy Sisneros and Mr. Jock Williams!
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Our April Faculty and Staff of the Month, Mrs. Christy Sisneros and Mr. Jock Williams
We have extra yearbooks. Please send in cash or a check (made out to Van Wert Elementary School). Our yearbook signing date is May 10, 2024.
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Yearbook signing is May 10th at 2:45. We have extra yearbooks if you would like to purchase one. :)
We have extra yearbooks. Please send in cash or a check (made out to Van Wert Elementary School). Our yearbook signing date is May 10, 2024.  Here is the form for yearbooks.
Please, click below for The Weekly Buzz, 4/29/24:
Our kindergarten students had a wonderful time at Fernbank Museum yesterday! @will_zwingmann #fieldtrip #learningisfun
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
kindergarten students at fernbank museum
kindergarten students at fernbank museum
kindergarten students at fernbank museum
kindergarten students at fernbank museum
kindergarten students at fernbank museum
kindergarten students at fernbank museum
kindergarten students at fernbank museum
Thank you to the Rockmart Library for visiting our students and delivering bookmarks and calendars.
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Rockmart library presentation of their summer reading program to our 2nd grade students.
Rockmart library presentation of their summer reading program to our 2nd grade students.
Rockmart library presentation of their summer reading program to our 2nd grade students.
Rockmart library presentation of their summer reading program to our 2nd grade students.
Rockmart library presentation of their summer reading program to our 2nd grade students.
Rockmart library presentation of their summer reading program to our 2nd grade students.
Happy National Administrative Professionals Day to our wonderful office staff! Hannah, Amberly, Rachel, and Amberly today is your day! Thank you for all you do for our school!
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Happy National Administrative Professionals Day to our office staff.
Georgia Milestones Spring 2024
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
EOG Testing Document... See PDF attached if needed. This showcases all dates and times for testing sections.
EOG Testing Document... See PDF attached if needed. This showcases all dates and times for testing sections.
Attention 5th Grade Parents: Our end-of-the-year ceremony will now be on May 23, 2024, at 9:30 am. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Van Wert's Spring Events Flyer - Change of date for 5th grade's end of the year program. It will be May 23rd at 9:30 am.
One of our fourth-grade students, Hannah B., took a Write 360 writing assignment and transformed it into The Kids Antipollution Program. With the assistance of our wonderful custodians and Mrs. Sisneros' WIN group, Hannah devotes one morning each month to cleaning up trash around the school, scrubbing door knobs, and more. Happy Earth Day!
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
One day cleaning up the school with the custodians
Our Kids AntiPollution Program Leaders - Hannah, Zaden, and Aiden
Picture of students cleaning up the school
a list of ways to keep the school clean
A student cleaning the door knobs
Another KPP Club Poster
Hannah cleaning a door knob
Reminder: Kona Ice is this Friday
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
Kona Ice is Friday, April 26, 2024
Creating rain clouds in a jar with Ms. Autumn, hatching chicks with Mrs. Cole, reading with Mrs. Briggs, and creating Cyber 5 posters with Mrs. Sisneros! #learningisfun @will_zwingmann @DrKatieT_PSD
9 months ago, Van Wert Elementary School
chicks with Mrs cole
cyber five aidens poster
reading in Mrs Briggs room
rain clouds with Ms autumn
rain clouds with Ms autumn
cyber five poster contest winner hadassah
hatching chicks with mrs cole